Monday, December 7, 2009


I can never do what I plan to do!

I planned on making a video and posted it 2night but yet again I had a bunch of things to do 1st I had to clean my house lay something out for dinner, then I had to get ready go with my mother to pay my light bill THEN we stopped by verzion where I got me a new phone, I have always had a camera phone and it SUCKS that I dont ugh but Im going to work my way up I guess, anyway after that I came home and started cooking while dinner was cooking I was going to make that video well yet again something knocked me out of it, I started messing with my new phone like a kid in the candy store, well 1st i set the ringtone that I liked then I started adding the numbers from my old phone to it, then i was playing around ugh idk but then i got side tracked and supper was done so i had to eat!!! then after that I had to clean the kitchen then my show was on so i paused it and took a shower dried my hair then started watching my show ugh and 2morrow my best friend is having her baby so ill be there with her most of the day OMG and then!!!!!!! wedesday I have to take my grandma to the store SO MAYBE just MAYBE I can make a video either wedesday night or thursday eveining! and now im TIRED wow seeing it on here as i type make it look like a lot but its good i like staying busy I just want to make a video for you guys im ready to come back and chat it up! lol

SO I hope things are slower wedesday idk i might just record one 2morrow night im so tired right now im not going to be able to record it now, I just wanted to post a blog letting u guys know ok dokie im done to bed talk to you guys 2morrow!!!

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