Tuesday, September 15, 2009


So yeah I know its been a long bit!
My frist post was in july the last day at that...and here it is already September!
WHOA!!! this month has SUCKED!!! I have alot of things going on and they just seem to be getting worse!
but its ok im getting through it...
right now im not into much of anything I just watch tv and taking care of me and my house!
REALLY there is nothing to do!
So this video is just a update of things going on
Life is just crazy!!! see here where I live there is not much jobs and right now I REALLY need one alot of places are not hiring bc they have NO!! buss and that is sad!
idk but I just wish someone could call me!

ANYWAY on a better note!
I was sitting here one day writing my cousin who is in jail and my husband said why do you have to have music on just to write a letter and I said well it getting me thinking and it REALLY does! without music I cant think right!
Right now im really into spainsh music idk what it is about that type of music but it just gets me going!
I like alot of diffrent kinds of music and people hate on the type of music u like what does it matter what they say You anit telling them what to listen too!
idk ever since I got with my husband I just like spainsh is there something wrong with that um I think NOT!!!
its not up to them what I like im my own person and can listen to what I want UGH!!! that just drives me insane!
Im getting use to writing in this blog so if i just to diffrent things just let me know if u dont understand and please remember im working on it!

Well this is the end seen yall manana!!!

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