Friday, February 12, 2010

No name!

Well I have no idea what to name this blog its going to be more like that last one! ramblings

Lets start with bad things have been happening....well for the past 3 weekends except last weekend its been SNOWING!!!!!!!!!!! now im all for snow but damn its been coming like crazy they say we only get a dusting this time well its not a dusting...dusting to me means light snow on the ground well this is more like a dusting of 3inches...and since this has been happening my husband has been out of work, he works in concrete and during the winter there anit much work...which SUCKS he dont want to do anything else dont know why but he has been out of work for 3 weeks almost 4...I hope it changes soon im getting tired of doing without
ok good news I put in at alot of places well I got a call from a new store that is opening in my area, its a discount food store, I gave him my mamas number incase I couldnt answer the phone here...well he called her u know I put that app in yesterday online and he called me what can u say good luck! lol well he called her and she was out so she gave him my home number and ive been waiting but no call, im hoping he will call 2morrow hope hope hope bc i was saying all day today and yesterday that I hope he calls and BAM he calls idk I think I will like a job like this now mind you it has something to do with cashier but im sure I can handle it, im just going to have to stop worrying about what others are saying and just do the best I can... now heres my thing with cashier ok lets just face it i cant count change fast enough i know i know its grade school where u learn that but at the time I cared more about friends than i did about school even in high school now look where that got me...
you know if I had this life to do over I would change alot of things...I would be smarter about the things i do and would have chose my friend wisely...

I hope I get this job...

if you didnt know by now I have a cooking blog i only have a few ones up there but im working on my book so I can post more see how I do it is I sit and write them in my notebook so when im able to get them on the blog they will be there and all I have to do is copy it on there you know what I mean  that way im not sitting here thinking of every detail that is SOO annoying...well I think its a good idea anyway

ok well ill update later im tried of typing and talking lol ttygl (talk to you guys later)